Trinity Church

THE CHALLENGE We faced the challenge of renewing the image of Trinity Presbyterian Church. The key challenge was translating the richness of Trinity’s identity into an appealing digital format, as the existing branding, while correct, did not convey the authenticity and vitality of the online community. Our mission was to deepen the connection between Trinity […]

Cullen Finlayson

THE CHALLENGE We faced an exciting challenge in creating the image for a talented photographer, Cullen Finlayson, determined to project the excellence of his work through branding and establish a digital space where viewers could immerse themselves in his art meaningfully. The main challenge was to effectively communicate Cullen’s vision regarding his commitment and the […]

Bethesda House

THE CHALLENGE We undertook the challenge of revamping the image of Bethesda House, where the mission is to recharge and strengthen Christian leaders. Despite this beautiful vision, the branding and website did not adequately reflect the essence of the place. The central challenge was to translate Mark and Pam Taft’s vision into branding and a […]


THE CHALLENGE We embarked on an exciting challenge by redesigning the branding and website for Ashrei, a spiritual training institute in the United States and Latin America. Our mission was to communicate the essence of communion with Christ more appropriately and develop a social media strategy that reflected the depth and beauty of this experience. […]